Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

This is an excellent overview of assistive technology and examples of items you can use. Plus this site will explain the rights your child has to assistive technology in the classroom.


The iPad is an extremely useful tool for individuals with autism or similar disorders. Its’ portability offers advantages over a laptop or desktop computer. The touch screen and simple layout encourage children with coordination or learning difficulties to begin communicating, learn how to read or do math. Studies have also shown children with autism to be more interested in the screen of the iPad for learning rather than a piece of paper with the same information. There are hundreds of applications available to facilitate communication, create visual schedules and learn various subjects for individuals with autism and other disabilities. Fortunately, if an iPad is not financially possible for your child, he/she can benefit from the vast app store on any smartphone or iPod device (For a list of apps click here)


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Visual Schedules

Visual schedules is a schedule but in pictures. They can be incredibly useful in decreasing tantrums, facilitating communication and helping an individual to understand what their responsibilities are for the day. Visual Schedules are very easy to make by cutting out pictures from magazines or printing pictures from the internet, applying them to a notecard, then applying each notecard in the sequence of the day or hour. You can find more information on Visual Schedules here.

Livescribe Echo Smartpen

An incredibly useful tool for an individual with autism in high school or college, who has auditory processing issues.

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Chewy Tubes

For the child with oral fixation issues here are chewy tubes they can bite on, which can help the child to focus on other important activities, while their mouth is receiving and being satisfied with sensory input.

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Noise Canceling Headphones

These affordable headphones can help individuals with autism with sound sensitivity, especially on social and community outings. These headphones will cancel out some sounds that may overstimulate a person on the spectrum.

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Visual and Audible Timer

Some individuals on the spectrum need visuals to aid their comprehension. A visual timer can be incredibly helpful to use during reinforcement time or for activities.

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Pencil Grip

Pencil grips can be very useful for children and adults who need adaptations due to poor fine motor skills.

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Ball Chair

A child who has proprioceptive sensory issues and has trouble sitting still may benefit from a ball chair. The chair is made of a ball on a stand, to keep it from moving. A child or adult often can receive sensory input from sitting on a ball chair, helping the individual to focus instead of trying to fulfill a sensory need.

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Grip Write

This tool can help a child to write if they have fine motor issues.

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Travel PECS Booklet

This Picture Exchange Communication Booklet is the perfect size when you’re on the go.

PECS Travel Size Communication Notebook: Picture Exchange Communication System

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